Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't see the answer you need, call us-We'll gladly help, even if you don't use us.
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability to us is about stewardship of the Earth. We believe that being sustainable is to always work to provide solutions that provide the least impact to Earth and those that live on it. We provide "green" solutions that are environmentally friendly, but we also provide conventional treatment options too.
What Payment Methods Can I Pay With?
We accept the following: Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa, Discover, Mastercard and Cryptocurrency (Coming Soon). All payments are due at the time of service or before. We do NOT invoice, exceptions are made for commercial accounts, we do offer Net (30) on commercial, agriculture and industrial service.
What is your satisfaction guarantee?
At any point in time, you're not satisfied with your service, we will do our best to make it right. We want you to feel comfortable with your decision to use our company and we stand behind our service, quality and integrity. Our satisfaction is your satisfaction.
Do we need to leave the home when you spray?
The answer is normally, no. There are different methods for treating different pests' and depending on the treatment method, our office will notify you on the safety procedures. Most normal residential and commercial pest management is done in occupied structures. Moreover, we have to follow State of Michigan and Labeling laws, the label is our guide during these circumstances.
Do you have contracts?
Yes. We're required by State of Michigan law to have a contract. We DO NOT have "long-term" contracts. We require a 30 day notice and we will end your service at your request. All cancellations must be done in writing, either electronically or written.
Our residential recurring service plans come with coverage for (38) different species of pests'. Ranging from mice, various spiders, various ants, and much more. It does NOT cover, termites, carpenter ants, bed bugs, fleas, etc.
How many different pests' does your recurring residential plan offer?
What is an initial fee?
Our initial fee is a one-time fee based on your first visit. These fees range depending on the needs of your structure, business or family. During our first visit, we spend much more time treating (we like to call it a "knockdown") and inspecting the premise for conducive pest conditions, as well reporting on the details and needs for improvement or repair. These are pivotal to the quality of service we offer. In some cases, if you're changing companies, we will waive this fee. (Proof of service must be provided.)
Do you offer Auto-Pay?
Yes, we most certainly do. You can set this up and change it at your convenience through our online portal.
Yes, we're licensed and insured. All operating Pest Management or Pest Control Companies in the State of Michigan are REQUIRED to be.
Are you licensed and insured?
What is your cancellation policy?
You can cancel at any time with a (30) day's notice. We must be notified in writing or by mail. You can email any cancellation requests to:
Are Pesticides Safe?
In short, No. No pesticide is safe. Whether it is vinegar, soapy water, restricted use pesticides or "green" environmentally friendly pesticides. Anything in large enough quantities or combined with another substance can be unsafe. Always consult with the label and Safety Data Sheets for any hazardous information you need to know. We will happily provide you any information on products we use. If you apply yourself, remember you're also required by law to follow the label and SDS requirements.
I think I have bed bugs, what do I do?
First, don't panic. Try and find a specimen and save it in a vile, napkin, etc. Or, if you can take a close-up picture from multiple angles we can help identify if it is actually a bed bug. It is not uncommon for misidentification to be made. Do not change your sleeping habits and leave items where they lie. Also, do not stay with someone else, again, do not change your habits. Next, call us. We will help walk you through this process, even if you don't use us.
I need emergency service, what do I do?
Simply call our number and schedule the emergency with our staff OR if it is afterhours, leave a message on our company voicemail which is constantly monitored for calls. There are fees associated with emergency calls, and we can typically have a technician there the day of or the next day.
In short, Yes. Although it is not as common, the Brown-Recluse Spider and the Black-Widow spider have been found in Michigan.
Do we have poisonous spiders in Michigan?
It most definitely WILL NOT. You may also be in violation of the law. You must use as directed by the label. Also, only so much material can adhere or soak into the medium in which you're applying to. Therefore, leading to run-off, secondary poisoning, water contamination and more. This is why it is highly recommended you hire a professional, even if it isn't us.
Will applying more insecticide help?
I am scheduled for service and cannot be home?
If you were scheduled for service and for some reason can't be home, that's okay, it happens, and we understand! Please email or call us at least (2) days prior and we will happily move your appointment. If not, we will only treat the outside of your structure(s), unless you provide us with access and permission to the structure.
I won't be home, but my child(ren) will be, can you still treat the inside?
No. We DO NOT enter any home without an adult present. If there is nobody home and we are granted access, we can. We cannot enter any home or structure with children in it and no adult.
What area's do you treat on a recurring service for a residential home for bugs?
In short, just about anywhere if the label allows it. If you're not having issues inside of the home, we do NOT recommend treating it. There is no reason to put pesticides down that are unneeded. This is the importance of an initial appointment. We do however recommend the exterior be spot treated for high traffic areas where pests typically make their way into the home. During winter service, interior spot treatments are made to high traffic areas such as basements and kitchens. Inspections are key to every service. We do not apply more than is needed and we don't apply less than is needed. We only apply what is needed.
If I have a problem and I am a recurring customer, do I have to wait for my next service?
No. As long as the labeling conditions are being followed and the target species is included in your plan, call-backs are all FREE. This is a part of our satisfaction guarantee.
Will I receieve Paper Copies of Statements, Invoices or Service Orders?
No. We do NOT participate in paper mailings, statements, invoices or service orders. All of our administrative paperwork is done electronically. If mailings are required, there is a $10.00 Per Month Admin. Fee. Sustainability is again a part of our ethos.
If you're a recurring customer we set you up on a specific date, ex. the 3rd Tuesday of the month. You can count on this being your permanent date unless there are factors such as weather or sick staff that do not allow us to treat. You will also receive an email at least (1) day prior to service. We also have other options of notification available.
How will we know when service is?
Can you spray and treat during rain or snow?
No. Most labels do NOT allow this. We also cannot treat during windy conditions as this can carry pesticides miles away from the target area, referred to as drift. If precipitation is imminent, we will elect to cancel that service. Most labels also require it be over 50 degrees F. to treat as well.
You sprayed an hour ago and it just rained, was it a waste?
It depends. Once the material has dried and adhered to the surface, it is usually applied according to the label and is labeled to last "x" number of days according to the manufacturer. If it rains immediately after or during, we must stop and reschedule.
All of our technicians are vaccinated and follow the advice from MDHHS and the CDC. We advise our staff to wear masks during seasons of high transmission and out of respect for all of our customers. Technicians must wear protective safety gear most of the time anyway, as part of the law and label.
What is your COVID-19 Policy?
How soon can I receive service?
If you call and schedule an appointment, it is likely we can be to your location within 48 hours. This will depend on a number of factors, but if it is an emergency, we can likely be there even quicker.
I just received service and I am still having issues with pests, when can you return?
As with anything, some things take time to reach their full effect. It takes time for insect and spider habits to come into contact with insecticides and other factors. Typically, if you're still seeing activity after 10-14 days, call us, we will come right back out.
No. If you have mice or other rodents, you need to have exclusion work done. Otherwise, you're still allowing the entry and exit of rodents in the structure. Baiting and trapping are also likely needed to eradicate the infestation after proper point-tucking and sealing has been done.
I have rodent problems- will baiting and trapping do the trick?
Yellow-Jackets or wasps have eaten a hole through my ceiling or wall, now what?
Immediately seal off the room and do not enter for any reason, it could be very dangerous. Next, call us. We will try and have a technician out as quickly as possible. We do offer emergency service, so do not hesitate to call, no matter time or day.
Is there a smell to the insecticides you use?
Yes. There can be a smell associated with almost all insecticides. Most of these smells dissipate after the material is dry, but some do not immediately dissipate. "Green" Insecticides can have a floral smell and "green" mosquito treatments can have a strong garlic smell. Conventional insecticides typically do not have long-term smells associated with them.